High Holidays Prayer Schedule - 5785
Rosh Hashana​
10/02/24 Erev Rosh-HaShana (light candle at 6:17pm)
10/03/24 Rosh HaShana 1st Day (light candle at 7:14pm)
10/04/24 Rosh HaShana 2nd Day (light candle at 6:14pm)
Yom Kippur​
10/11/23 Erev Yom Kippur (light candle at 6:02pm)
10/12/24 Yom Kippur (Yom Tove Ends 7:00pm)
10/16/24 Erev Sukkot (light candle at 5:55 pm )
10/17/24 Sukkot 1st Day (light candle at 6:52 pm )
10/18/24 Sukkot 2nd Day (light candle at 5:52 pm)
10/23/24 Hoshana Rabbah (light candle at 5:45 pm)
10/24/24 Shmini Atzeret (light candle at 6:43 pm)
10/25/24 Simkha Tora (light candle at 5:42pm)
BJCC Main Minyan Prayer Schedule
Monday - Friday --------------------------------------------- 6:30 AM
Saturday - Sunday ------------------------------------------ 7:30 AM
Mincha followed by Arvit
Monday - Thursday ----------------------------------------- 7:00 PM
Friday ---------------------------------------- 5:45 PM Shir Hashirim
6:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday - Sunday -------------------------------------------- 7:30 PM
BJCC Youth Minyan Prayer Schedule
Monday - Friday --------------------------------------------- 7:20 AM
Saturday - Sunday ------------------------------------------ 8:30 AM
Mincha followed by Arvit
Friday - Saturday --------------------------------------------- 7:00 PM
BJCC Youth Minyan
Our doors are open to all young members of our community to join our daily and weekly services at Bukharian Jewish Community Center.
During the service members of the Minyan are encouraged to learn about Jewish prayer with unique Sefardic and Bucharian traditions, the meaning of a prayer, and interpretation of the Torah portion.
Our goal is to broaden the understanding of Judaism. And through better understanding establish each individual’s relationship with G-d.
Join us to experience our interactive service.
Kabbalat Erev Shabbat Service 6:00 PM​
Shabbat Morning 9:30 AM followed by a Kiddush Lunch.